Agnes Devlin: GREY. WHITE. KLEE

10 - 14 November 2015

Irish Design is a yearlong initiative that aims to raise the profile of Irish design by increasing awareness of the value of design in all aspects of life. The Kevin Kavanagh gallery, designed by architect Philip Crowe of MCO Projects, is one of the few purpose-built private galleries in Ireland. In celebration of Design Week 2015 Kevin Kavanagh is pleased to host a presentation by Agnes Devlin as part of Irish Design 2015.
Devlin comes from a multi-disciplinary background with formal training in graphics, sculpture and print. Devlin’s Patterns and Visual compositions evidence a curiosity for harmony and synchronicity that occurs within synthesized as well as natural patterns. Her works arise out of a process of observation, drawing, focusing in and beginning again - they are complex though not complicated. She is continually researching the rhythmic devices apparent in repeat patterns and through her work she articulates transient characteristics that extend beyond symmetry, repetition and scale. Throughout this presentation, Devlin responds to the visual codes of the art gallery by heightening the interplay between grey, white and the tonal range that exists in between. Devlin has worked with The Store Yard on a number of refurbishment projects under the name F·O·U·N·D @The Store Yard and a number of these pieces are included as functional parts of the overall presentation.