Sinéad Ní Mhaonaigh | STRUCTURE | 532 GALLERY THOMAS JAECKEL, New York

5 MAY - 4 JUNE 2022



The eighteen new paintings in the Irish-born abstract painter Sinéad Ní Mhaonaigh's "Structure" find new force and expression within the high modernist tradition of abstract art. Ní Mhaonaigh's primary aesthetic concern is the organization and ordering of objects in space, and her paintings execute a meta-commentary on the idea of drawing, of built objects, and of dimensionality. The paintings are “about” drawing — their flatness performs the flatness they document in the architectural depiction of a blueprint or plan. Ní Mhaonaigh has spoken of the need to “learn not to interrupt or interfere with the surface of the painting,” and it is this sense of a surface as an almost mystical, self-generating field with its own agency and teleology that gives her paintings their mysterious power.


27 April 2022