TURBO GLOBAL - An Irish Tale | Schloss Britz, Berlin

Elaine Byrne, Nevan Lehart, Sean Lynch, Ulrich Vogl

TURBO GLOBAL - An Irish Tale

Schloss Britz, Berlin
28 June - 6 October 2024

Featuring six Irish artists, the group exhibition TURBO GLOBAL at Schloss Britz explores the ramifications of turbo capitalism in a specifically Irish context.

Elaine Byrne, Mariechen Danz and Michele Horrigan focus specifically on globalised trade and interstate competition for resources. Among other topics, they look at the consequences of interaction with the global market on the environment, health and identity. Sean Lynch and Niamh McCann reflect on Ireland’s mythical traditions and highlight conflicts resulting from economic development since the 19th century. Nevan Lahart challenges the prevailing Western capitalist world view and passionately confronts us with a range of issues through his installations.


Curator team: Ulrich Vogl, Dr. Martin Steffens, Rebekka Liebmann. The exhibition is
accompanied by a publication.


The exhibition programme is realised in cooperation with Kulturstiftung Schloss Britz, Kevin Kavanagh (Dublin) and is part of Zeitgeist Irland 24, an initiative of Culture Ireland and the Embassy of Ireland in Germany.

25 May 2024