Diana Copperwhite | Supernova

Flowers Gallery, London


16th July - 31 August 2024 


Flowers Gallery are delighted to present Supernova, a group summer exhibition,  celebrating the facets of contemporary abstraction, bringing together the works of eight women artists. Supernova explores the intricate relationships between space, memory, and perception. Each artist's unique approach contributes to a collective exploration of how we experience and interpret the world around us. From the meticulous layering and erasure of Aida Tomescu's canvases, to Tess Jaray's reduction and abstraction of architectural forms, and the geometric discipline and chaotic poetry in Lucienne O'Mara's grids, the exhibition offers a diverse yet unified vision of contemporary abstraction and the narratives within it.


Featured Artists

Diana Copperwhite
Liza Giles
Tess Jaray
Lucienne O'Mara
Katie Pratt
Carol Robertson
Freya Tewelde
Aida Tomescu

6 July 2024